Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Role of moringa for glaucoma

Several people affected by glaucoma lose their eye sight at a global level every year. Poor people in the developing nations cannot afford to get costly carrots regularly. Instead they were given moringa leaf powder and capsule to fight against the severe eye issues. These activities are taken up by Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) and few religious organizations. These people were also given instructions about the usage of leaf powder in their staple diet and various recipes. 

Glaucoma is an eye condition characterized by damage to the optic nerve that results in vision loss. Those at a higher risk of developing glaucoma include people with a family history of glaucoma. Its increased presence was observed among few races such as African Americans and elderly adults. Glaucoma incidence showed 1% increase in 40s and up to a 12% increase in 80s. The percentage of Americans with glaucoma is expected to increase by 50% to 3.6 million by the year 2020. If detected in the earlier stages, it can be cured. Vision loss is at present prevented with medical treatment or surgery.

Research has identified those nutrients, such as lutein and zinc, lower risk of certain eye conditions. This will include macular degeneration and cataracts. When you add these nutrients to your daily diet through foods and supplements, you can improve your eye health. These nutrients are available in certain fruits and vegetables that may not be available at affordable cost for poor people in developing countries.

Researchers found that the world population of 50 years age and over had increased by 30% from the year 1990. In developed countries, the increase in people above 50 was 16% but in developing countries, it was 47% with the exclusion of China. In china alone the increase was 27%, some of the charity institutions are setting up hospitals in developing countries with advanced surgical facilities in these where the affluent pay for their treatment and they can donate also.  This helps the poor patients to receive free treatment.

High accessibility of beta-carotene and lutein from moringa oleifera leaves consumed with oil will give RDA of vitamin A. Nutrition research studies proved that  it can delay  the onset of degenerative diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma . The moringa tree leaves when available can be used in the fresh condition in the tropical countries. But the low temperature dried leaves have been found to possess more than twice the nutrients of the fresh leaves. You can initially start to add moringa oleifera leaf powder to smoothies or soup and be familiar with the taste.

Moreover the leaf powder can be easily added to any of the food items that we prepare. One teaspoon of leaf powder can be added to the soups, smoothies, cakes, cookies and ice creams. This will bring natural color to the recipe while slowly building up immunity and improves eye care especially. Leaf powder and capsules have been used for preventing glaucoma as moringa leaves have beta carotenoids that are easily absorbed by the body.

Let us explore the benefits of moringa oleifera leaf powder by visiting

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Moringa supplements and effects of hypertension drugs

Diuretics are the commonly prescribed drugs for hypertension. One disadvantage of diuretics is that they reduce potassium; in case you take these drugs you may need potassium supplements. In these conditions doctors prescribe another type of diuretic drug, potassium-sparing, to counteract potassium depletion. But, these drugs can cause risky high levels of potassium in some patients.

Clogged arteries result due to plaque development on the inner walls of arteries. Arterial plaque will reduce blood flow or, in some circumstances, block it completely. While plaque buildup happens, cells in artery walls multiply. These cells will also secrete unique compounds that can affect the condition of clogged arteries. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), contribute to arterial plaque formation. High blood pressure conditions arise due to stiff arteries, which in turn make heart and kidneys to work very hard to maintain the balance. This is referred as atherosclerosis that occurs in the arteries of the heart, legs and the aorta.

The Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and magnesium in moringa oleifera leaf powder get involved in homocysteine metabolism. It also supplies essential amino acid (methionine) responsible for increasing immunity. When blood vessels work efficiently, the hypertension risk gets lowered. Calcium is necessary for smooth muscle relaxation and contraction; increased consumption can have a direct effect on blood vessels. It’s best to obtain your calcium from your diet. Studies have found that compared with supplements, dietary calcium has twice the benefits for blood pressure.


Practice of relaxation response and health education advices can help a sizeable percentage of people to reduce systolic pressure by 10 mm Hg. Those who followed this plan seemed to eliminate or reduce their antihypertensive medications. In this current scenario, people are switching over to herbal remedies that will be safe without any side effects.  Research carried out at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Cuilmun Cancer Chemo Protection Center, Maryland USA concluded that moringa powder contains hypertensive anticancer and antibacterial activities due to the  benzyl isothiocyanate, 4-isothiocyanate, niazimicin, benzyl isothiocyanate and benzyl glucosinolate constituents. They found that these compounds are relatively unique to the Moringacae family.

A person to remain healthy needs different B-vitamins to maintain homocysteine levels low. This combination will enable homocysteine to be properly transformed into helpful antioxidants such as glutathione. Without B6, B12, B2, folate and magnesium, alarming levels of homocysteine may build up in the body. This will lead to atherosclerosis and macular degeneration. Diet high in magnesium benefits persons with hypertension, as they work for relaxation of smooth muscles of arterial blood vessels.

Another research study has been done with rabbits as the models. Treatment with M. oleifera or Lovastatin in normal rabbits seemed to decrease their HDL levels. Lovastatin-or M. oleifera-treated hypercholesterolemia rabbits showed reduction in lipid profile of liver, heart and aorta. But similar treatment of normal animals did not produce considerable reduction in heart lipids. Moringa oleifera has been found to increase the excretion of faecal cholesterol. This has found to be beneficial for high blood pressure conditions. This study demonstrated that moringa oleifera possesses a hypolipidaemic effect. Moringa can induce the body to flush out calcium and phosphates from the kidney more efficiently. Moringa has been used widely as a food supplement for hypertension patients. The patients take these supplements after consulting with their physician.

Safeguard your health by using this excellent herbal food supplement. Get it from 

Monday, December 8, 2014

A unique food supplement - Moringa

Today’s western diet has twice the caloric intake of a consumer in 1965. They are receiving 75% less nutrient value for current calories consumed. Instead of getting them from food they lookout for the nutrients. As there is availability of processed foods at affordable cost, supplement usage in the western world has become a necessity.

Numerous surveys indicate that around 49-54% American adults use dietary supplements. Majority of them are vitamins, minerals, Omega-3, fatty acids, lutein and fiber. The evidence from numerous surveys shows that nonusers never do exercises intake junk food and have low immunity. Dietary supplement users have sound health-related habits. These include good dietary practices; regular exercises, healthy body weight maintenance and keep away from tobacco and alcohol.

Dietary supplement users differ from nonusers in certain features. Supplement usage in adults has been found to increase with age, income, and education. Within each age group, women use supplements than men. Women used calcium products for bone health (36%), whereas men were using supplements for heart care or to lower their cholesterol levels (18%). Elderly people were taking supplements for heart, bone and joint, and eye health than young people.

Health conscious attitude is one vital reason for usage of food supplements. People who use less fruits or high processed food were unlikely to use food supplements. It is also strange that when these people suffer from different diseases they may be likely to take food supplements along with the drugs. Supplement use was related to more favorable concentrations of C-reactive protein, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, serum homocysteine and triglycerides. These supplements lower risk of common high blood pressure and diabetes.   

Moringa - Food Supplement

Food Supplement

Researchers studied various micronutrient deficiencies and their relation to immunity. Typically deficiencies of zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C and E were studied. They found that these deficiencies can alter immune responses in animals. Some research institutions have also tried to use these micronutrients in case of sick patients and found remarkable improvement in their health conditions. People can also get benefited by interacting in the society and sharing their distress. To reduce social stress, you can take a food supplement that keeps you calm among the tight work schedule.

Intake of selenium is recommended for people with in specific digestive conditions, such as Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. Increased immune system function may reduce the risk of certain cancers. It helps rid the body of free radicals. It also functions as detoxifier. Calcium is needed for the maintenance of bones and teeth. These food supplements are not marked to cure or treat but they can provide the essential nutrient in recommended daily allowance dosages. In case you are taking any medications. You should consult your doctor before deciding about the amount of food supplement.

Similarly you should take the supplement in the proper way as given by the manufacturer if you want to avoid any further complications you can look for natural products or the way in which they are produced.

It is advisable to take a single food supplement that can fulfill the needs of macro and micro minerals well as vitamins. Moringa oleifera capsules are one such supplement from the miracle tree moringa oleifera. If they are manufactured under careful low drying they have many times the nutritional value of the fresh leaves. You can have the option of buying a natural food supplement that will help you to increase immunity and give safety weight loss benefits. 

Select a food supplement in a wise way. More details about moringa oleifera capsules -

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Role of moringa in liver care

The second largest organ in human body is the liver, involved in millions of physiological processes in the body and known to carry out more than 500 functions. People generally associate liver with detoxification but it has many other vital roles such as:  

  •  production of bile juice
  •  regulation of chemicals in the blood
  •  production of proteins for blood plasma
  •  production of cholestrol and fat metabolism
  •  conversion of serum glucose into glycogen for storage
  •  regulation of blood levels of amino acids
  •  removing the drugs and other poisonous substance form the blood

Pathogens and environmental toxins build up in our tissues especially when the immune system is unable to handle the load and liver function becomes inefficient. It fails to carry out the needed physiological functions successfully. Due to a detox or weight loss programs, either liver function is affected or we may be allowing more toxins in our blood stream. In these conditions, we may face detoxification symptoms that include bloated feeling, constipation, headaches, fatigue, flatulence, skin rashes. It can also aggravate allergic reactions, hormonal dysfunction and weight gain.

Researchers evaluated the hepatoprotective effect of an ethanolic extract of moringa oleifera leaves in liver damaged conditions. This liver damage has been induced by usage of antitubercular drugs such as isoniazid (INH), rifampicin (RMP), and pyrazinamide (PZA) in rats. Oral administration of the leaf extract showed an important protective action. This is made clear by its effect on the levels of alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, glutamic pyruvic transaminase (alanine aminotransferase) and glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (aspartate aminotransferase) in the serum; lipids, and lipid peroxidation levels in liver. This observation has been supported by histopathological examination of liver sections. Final results of this study showed that treatment with moringa oleifera extracts seemed to enhance the recovery from hepatic damage.

Moringa for liver care
A weight loss or detoxification program can be uncomfortable and symptoms. When toxins exit the body, they enter the bloodstream to initiate a range of symptoms such as headaches, nausea, fatigue, mental fogginess, or skin eruptions these symptoms may be similar to signs of liver dysfunction. These are all positive symptoms showing those entered toxins are being expelled from tissues and liver. You can also know that they are in the process of being eliminated from the body.

When vast numbers of toxins are circulating inside the body, it is advantageous to intake a food supplement rich in antioxidants. They can prevent free radical damage during the elimination process. Moringa oleifera leaf powder has 46 anti-oxidants including Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, selenium, copper, iron, carotenoids and more than 100 phyto-nutrients.

Bone marrow is a sensitive tissue due to high rate of cell profuse. Bone marrow is the place where white blood corpuscles are generated. White blood cells, Red blood cells, platelets, blood vessels and capillaries arise in red and white marrows. Phagocytosis by macrophages crucial activity against microorganism and its effectiveness is improved by opsonization of parasite with antibody. Complement C3b receptor leads to quick elimination of parasite from blood.

Molecules that activate complement system are also termed as opsonins. Phagocytic cells exist without an Fc receptor for immunoglobulin M (IgM). Thus it becomes ineffective in supporting phagocytosis. IgM is highly effectively in activating complementary system and therefore listed as an opsonin. Opsonins include molecules that target a cell to be destroyed through action of natural killer T cells. Complementary system is part of innate immune system, which will not change over the course of an individual's lifetime.

Need more information to know about moringa oleifera leaf powder and its benefits, just visit