Today’s western diet has twice the caloric
intake of a consumer in 1965. They are receiving 75% less nutrient value for
current calories consumed. Instead of getting them from food they lookout for
the nutrients. As there is availability of processed foods at affordable cost, supplement
usage in the western world has become a necessity.
Numerous surveys indicate that around 49-54%
American adults use dietary supplements. Majority of them are vitamins, minerals,
Omega-3, fatty acids, lutein and fiber. The evidence from numerous surveys
shows that nonusers never do exercises intake junk food and have low immunity. Dietary
supplement users have sound health-related habits. These include good dietary practices;
regular exercises, healthy body weight maintenance and keep away from tobacco
and alcohol.
Dietary supplement users differ from nonusers
in certain features. Supplement usage in adults has been found to increase with
age, income, and education. Within each age group, women use supplements than
men. Women used calcium products for bone health (36%), whereas men were using
supplements for heart care or to lower their cholesterol levels (18%). Elderly
people were taking supplements for heart, bone and joint, and eye health than young
Health conscious attitude is one vital reason
for usage of food supplements. People who use less fruits or high processed food
were unlikely to use food supplements. It is also strange that when these
people suffer from different diseases they may be likely to take food
supplements along with the drugs. Supplement use was related to more favorable
concentrations of C-reactive protein, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, serum
homocysteine and triglycerides. These supplements lower risk of common high
blood pressure and diabetes.
Food Supplement |
Researchers studied various micronutrient deficiencies
and their relation to immunity. Typically deficiencies of zinc, selenium, iron,
copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C and E were studied. They found that
these deficiencies can alter immune responses in animals. Some research institutions
have also tried to use these micronutrients in case of sick patients and found
remarkable improvement in their health conditions. People can also get benefited by interacting
in the society and sharing their distress. To reduce social stress, you can
take a food supplement that keeps you calm among the tight work schedule.
Intake of selenium is recommended for people
with in specific digestive conditions, such as Crohns disease and ulcerative
colitis. Increased immune system function may reduce the risk of certain
cancers. It helps rid the body of free radicals. It also functions as
detoxifier. Calcium is needed for the maintenance of bones and teeth. These
food supplements are not marked to cure or treat but they can provide the
essential nutrient in recommended daily allowance dosages. In case you are
taking any medications. You should consult your doctor before deciding about
the amount of food supplement.
Similarly you should take the supplement in
the proper way as given by the manufacturer if you want to avoid any further
complications you can look for natural products or the way in which they are
is advisable to take a single food supplement that can fulfill the needs of
macro and micro minerals well as vitamins. Moringa oleifera capsules are one
such supplement from the miracle tree moringa oleifera. If they are
manufactured under careful low drying they have many times the nutritional
value of the fresh leaves. You can have the option of buying a natural food
supplement that will help you to increase immunity and give safety weight loss
Select a food supplement in a wise way. More details about moringa oleifera capsules -