Showing posts with label lovastatin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lovastatin. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Moringa supplements and effects of hypertension drugs

Diuretics are the commonly prescribed drugs for hypertension. One disadvantage of diuretics is that they reduce potassium; in case you take these drugs you may need potassium supplements. In these conditions doctors prescribe another type of diuretic drug, potassium-sparing, to counteract potassium depletion. But, these drugs can cause risky high levels of potassium in some patients.

Clogged arteries result due to plaque development on the inner walls of arteries. Arterial plaque will reduce blood flow or, in some circumstances, block it completely. While plaque buildup happens, cells in artery walls multiply. These cells will also secrete unique compounds that can affect the condition of clogged arteries. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), contribute to arterial plaque formation. High blood pressure conditions arise due to stiff arteries, which in turn make heart and kidneys to work very hard to maintain the balance. This is referred as atherosclerosis that occurs in the arteries of the heart, legs and the aorta.

The Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and magnesium in moringa oleifera leaf powder get involved in homocysteine metabolism. It also supplies essential amino acid (methionine) responsible for increasing immunity. When blood vessels work efficiently, the hypertension risk gets lowered. Calcium is necessary for smooth muscle relaxation and contraction; increased consumption can have a direct effect on blood vessels. It’s best to obtain your calcium from your diet. Studies have found that compared with supplements, dietary calcium has twice the benefits for blood pressure.


Practice of relaxation response and health education advices can help a sizeable percentage of people to reduce systolic pressure by 10 mm Hg. Those who followed this plan seemed to eliminate or reduce their antihypertensive medications. In this current scenario, people are switching over to herbal remedies that will be safe without any side effects.  Research carried out at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Cuilmun Cancer Chemo Protection Center, Maryland USA concluded that moringa powder contains hypertensive anticancer and antibacterial activities due to the  benzyl isothiocyanate, 4-isothiocyanate, niazimicin, benzyl isothiocyanate and benzyl glucosinolate constituents. They found that these compounds are relatively unique to the Moringacae family.

A person to remain healthy needs different B-vitamins to maintain homocysteine levels low. This combination will enable homocysteine to be properly transformed into helpful antioxidants such as glutathione. Without B6, B12, B2, folate and magnesium, alarming levels of homocysteine may build up in the body. This will lead to atherosclerosis and macular degeneration. Diet high in magnesium benefits persons with hypertension, as they work for relaxation of smooth muscles of arterial blood vessels.

Another research study has been done with rabbits as the models. Treatment with M. oleifera or Lovastatin in normal rabbits seemed to decrease their HDL levels. Lovastatin-or M. oleifera-treated hypercholesterolemia rabbits showed reduction in lipid profile of liver, heart and aorta. But similar treatment of normal animals did not produce considerable reduction in heart lipids. Moringa oleifera has been found to increase the excretion of faecal cholesterol. This has found to be beneficial for high blood pressure conditions. This study demonstrated that moringa oleifera possesses a hypolipidaemic effect. Moringa can induce the body to flush out calcium and phosphates from the kidney more efficiently. Moringa has been used widely as a food supplement for hypertension patients. The patients take these supplements after consulting with their physician.

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