Showing posts with label moringa capsules for lactation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moringa capsules for lactation. Show all posts

Monday, September 29, 2014

Moringa Capsules for Lactation

Moringa capsules breastfeeding

At present, pregnant women have become more conscious about their health during gestation. But their nutritional intake goes down as they may be prone to strange cravings and morning sickness. They may even lack energy to prepare balanced diet. The need for extra nutrient is increasing which becomes more effective when the intake comes in the form of natural supplement. Pregnant women need rich iron to make more hemoglobin for required all additional blood. They also need extra iron for their baby and placenta. 

When pregnant women take moringa oleifera capsules, the fetus gets vitamins, minerals and proteins required for normal growth. With this supplement, women’s’ body gets prepared for the forthcoming lactation after delivery. Then it is easy for them to feed their babies after delivery without usage of any stimulant. But in case of those mothers who have not taken moringa capsules during gestation, there is decreased milk production. Research studies have been conducted to identify effects of moringa capsules on breast feeding mothers, who had premature deliveries. This helped to solve the low immunity of premature babies. 

Mothers who had pre-mature deliveries before 37th week were randomly grouped to receive 250 mg capsules with moringa oleifera leaf powder. Another group was given same dosage placebo capsules (filled with flour) twice daily from day 3 postpartum. Mothers were given instructions about usage of breast pump. As per the instructions they pumped their breasts every 4 hours and recorded volume of milk production from days 3 to 5. 

Mothers, who consumed placebo capsules, collected a lower amount of milk than mothers in the supplement treatment group. Mothers in the A group had remarkable increase in milk volume on day 4 (67% versus 42%) and day 5 (180% versus 38%) than those in the B group. Recorded milk volumes on day 5 were 320 ml in A group and 120 ml in B group. Leaf powder capsules have increased lactation around 2.5% and are achieved without any side effects.

Another study involved only 40 mothers with infants delivered less than 37 weeks of gestation. The average milk production in this group (group c) was less than 100 ml of milk on day 2 postpartum. Researchers gave unspecified doses of domperidone, metoclopramide and moringa oleifera capsules to group c. They gave placebo capsules to another group (group d). They provided both groups breast pumps to collect milk at unspecified intervals. Researches recorded serum prolactin levels on days 3, 7 and 14 postpartum. They identified that milk volume in group c was greater than the volume in group d, on days 7 and 14. Highest volume was observed in the domperidone group followed by metoclopramide and moringa oleifera. There is no correlation between serum prolactin and milk volume. 

Nursing mothers with low lactation can take these moringa capsules regularly for few weeks or months after delivery as long as they are breastfeeding. It is a natural galactagogue, which can stimulate and increase breast milk secretion considerably. It is ideal to take 1 to 3 capsules 2 to 3 times daily after food. Dosage may vary, depending on lactation requirements of the baby and they can consult with their physician. They can take capsules for increased breast milk supply until they stop breastfeeding.

As per different research project studies, other herbs have been tried for improving lactation, these results tracked side effects. Moringa capsules at affordable prices are unique as they are free from any side effects. NGO groups distributed the capsules to poor African women and they were asked to take this during pregnancy. Regular intake resulted in babies with good birth weight and increased lactation. This has been shared in popular social media networks and now there is increased awareness at a global level regarding the usage of moringa capsules during lactation.